Important Advice from the Imaam of Criticism and Praise, the Allaamah Rabee Al-Madkhali حفظه الله for his Children Everywhere - dated 7 Shawwaal, 1436h
Important Advice from the Imaam of Criticism and Praise, the Allaamah Rabee Al-Madkhali حفظه الله for his Children Everywhere - dated 7 Shawwaal, 1436h. بِسْم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله و على آله و صحبه و من اتبع هداه. أما بعد: Indeed I advise myself and all of the Muslims, and the Salafis especially, to have Taqwaa of Allah The Glorified and Most High. And to cling to the Rope of Allah The Mighty and Majestic. And to establish brotherhood between the Salafis especially. And that they stick together and have cooperation between each other upon Righteousness and Taqwaa. And that they stay far away from the causes of differing. May Allah bless you all. Because this tarnishes the Dawah of the Salafis, tarnishes their image, and makes their enemies happy. So I advise the Salafis to have Taqwaa of Allah The Glorified and Most High. And to strive adamantly in establishing love, brotherhood, mercy, and closeness between themselves. And to stay away f...