
Showing posts from July, 2017

Important Advice from the Imaam of Criticism and Praise, the Allaamah Rabee Al-Madkhali حفظه الله for his Children Everywhere - dated 7 Shawwaal, 1436h

Important Advice from the Imaam of Criticism and Praise, the Allaamah Rabee Al-Madkhali حفظه الله for his Children Everywhere - dated 7 Shawwaal, 1436h. بِسْم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله و على آله و صحبه و من اتبع هداه. أما بعد: Indeed I advise myself and all of the Muslims, and the Salafis especially, to have Taqwaa of Allah The Glorified and Most High. And to cling to the Rope of Allah The Mighty and Majestic. And to establish brotherhood between the Salafis especially. And that they stick together and have cooperation between each other upon Righteousness and Taqwaa. And that they stay far away from the causes of differing. May Allah bless you all. Because this tarnishes the Dawah of the Salafis, tarnishes their image, and makes their enemies happy. So I advise the Salafis to have Taqwaa of Allah The Glorified and Most High. And to strive adamantly in establishing love, brotherhood, mercy, and closeness between themselves. And to stay away f...

as-Shaykh al-Imām Rabee's advice to those who rely on commendations and their actions do not testify for them that they are Salafī.

as-Shaykh Rabee’ was asked: "Some of the callers are not known for Salafiyyah and they were warned against, but there are still those who sit with them with the argument that they were not disparaged with a detailed disparagement, and they were commended by as-Shaykh al-‘Abbād and other than him. So brothers have been divided between critic and praiser because of those callers. So what is your statement to them?" Answer: "I say it is obligatory upon the one who the people have differed concerning him and who does not commend himself by openly manifesting the Salafī  methodology, but he relies on the commendation of this one and that one...This one and that one are not infallible with their commendations, they could give a commendation based on the apparent condition of an individual and that apparent condition could flatter them and he could pretend that he is upon Salafiyyah and that he is upon the correct methodology, and he hides the opposite of what he makes ap...

Al-Imām Abdul Aziz Ibn Bāz-رحمه الله- about the one who believes with his heart and stated with tongue and doesnt act with his limbs

Imām Abdul Aziz Ibn Bāz (may Allāh have mercy on him) was asked about the one who believes with his heart and his tongue and never did any actions with his limbs? The Answer: This is an area the scholars have differed in, the scholar who says abandoning the salat is disbelief, says: He will be eternally in hell, and  the one who says abandoning the salat is minor kufar, it's ruling is like the rest of the major sins, he is under the will of Allāh(Allāh will punish him if he wants or forgive him)". Taliqāt Albāziyyah Ala sharh Attahāwiyyah,  page 752

Al-Imām Abdul-Aziz Ibn Bāz رحمه الله : The one who does not declare the individual who leaves off actions to be a kāfir is not from the M'urjia, he is from Ahlul Sunnah Wal Al'Jamā'h

Shaykh Ibn Bāz رحمه الله was asked about the one who does not declare the individual who leaves off actions to be kāfir; is he a Murji'? So he answered رحمه الله, "No, he is from Ahlul Sunnah Wal Al'Jamā'h." The commentary by Shaykh Rabee' حفظه الله: "So he negated from the one whose position was such the description of Irja', and he cleared him of that accusation, and he added to that acquittal that he is from Ahlul Sunnah. So this crucial answer has a blow to the Haddādiyyah who attack Ahlul Sunnah, and it is a clear acquittal for the one from Ahlus-Sunnah who does not declare the one who leaves off actions to be kāfir." Then he mentioned ... "Look at this Haddādī (Abdul Hameed al'Juhāni) who doesn't pay any mind to the verdict of Shaykh Ibn Bāz رحمه الله, and that is the condition of his hizb, they don't pay any mind to the statements of the people of knowledge that oppose their misguidance and desires." http:...

The word (jins) contains generalization and suspicion which leads to fitan, and does not exist in the Kitāb, the Sunnah, or in the speech of the noble Sahābah رضي الله عنهم

'Allāmah Rabee' Ibn Hādī al'Madkhalī حفظه الله said: The Haddādiyyah have a false principle, and that is if they attributed to someone a statement he is innocent of and he openly publicized his innocence from that statement,  they are persistent in continuesly accusing that oppressed person with what they attributed to him; so with this evil foundation they have surpassed the Khawārij. I stated several times: the one who leaves off actions in totality is a kāfir zindeeq, but I prohibited using the word (jins); Because of that which it contains from generalization and suspicion which leads to fitan, and I clarified that this term does not exist in the Kitāb or the Sunnah, and it doesn't exist in the speech of the noble  Sahābah رضي الله عنهم, and not in the proof of Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamā'h in issue's of Imān, and I clarified it's strangeness in the Arabic language.... (Majmo' Vol 9 pg.764)

Shaykhul-Islām Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhāb -رحمه الله - we do not declare a person a kāfir except for what all the Ulama' are unanimous upon, and that is rejecting the Shahadatayn

Al-Imām Muhammad Ibn Abdul Al'Wahhāb رحمه الله was asked: "For what reason is a person fought? And what is the reason a man is declared to be a kāfir?" So he answered: "The five pillars of Islām, the two testifications of faith (Shahadatayn) which is the first of these pillars, then the following four pillars. As for the four pillars after the Shahadatayn, if he acknowledged them, and abandoned them out of negligence, then even if we fought him so that he performs them,we do not declare him a kāfir for abandoning them. The Ulama' have differed concerning the one who abandons these pillars out of laziness while not denying their obligation. And we do not declare to be a kāfir except for what all the Ulama' are unanimous upon, and that is, (rejecting) the Shahadatayn." (Ad'dur As'Sunniyyah fi Ajwibatul an'Najdiyyah (Vol.1, pg.102) (الدر السنية في الأجوبة النجدية ج١ ص)

Shaykh Rabee' does not praise the book Al-Ibānah by Muhammad al-Imām

    Al-Halabī stated, "But most of the issues that shaykh al-Halabī concluded in (his book) shaykh Muhammad al-Imām agreed with his conclusions in his book named (al-Ibānah 'an kayfiya tu ta'āmul ma' al-khilāf bayyna Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamā'h)" Source: article written by 'Alee Hasan 'Alee 'Abdul -Hameed(al-Halabī) from the website "Kulukhalafiyyeen" Imām Rabee's commentary: Shaykh Al-Imām has erred by agreeing with the foundations of al-Halabī.     And your support of an error proves that you are submerged in desires. Also, who from the Ulama' as-salaf testified for you and your book, that is based upon quarreling with the Manhaj as'Salafī? Isn't your absence of testifications of Ulama' from the most clear proof of the falsehood that this book contains, and of its opposition to the Manhaj as'Salaf? (Umdatul Al-Abee pg.621) And he  حفظه الله تعالى said," Rabee did not compliment the book "Al-Ibāna...

Criticisms of the Shaykh of al'Azhar Masjid Ahmed At'tayyib

Al-'Allāmah Rabee' Ibn Hādī Al-Madkhalī حفظه الله said in one of his refutations of the "Shaykh" of Al-Azhar, Ahmed At-tayyib : "Where are you (Ahmed At-tayyib) regarding the repulsivness of as-Shirk and Al-Mushrikeen, and an example of their repulsivness is Allāh the most High's statement : 'Verily, those who disbelieve (in the religion of Islām, the Quran and Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) from among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and al-Mushrikeen will abide in the Fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures.' Therefore Allāh ruled that they will be in the Fire of Hell forever and He described them as the worst creatures. And you (Ahmed At'tayyib) praise Buddha the heretic (Mulhid) and describe him as having sound insight and you describe his belief of heresy (Ilhād)that it is a religion of mercy and that it is  unexceeded !!!. Doctor Muhammad Dhaya' ar'Rahmān al A'dhami who is of Indian origin said in his book ...

Perspectives of Hānī Ibn Buraik's statement about Shaykh Ubayd Al'Jabirī -حفظه الله -

                   بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  Look at how Hāni Ibn Buraik justifies revolting against the Authority (Wali Al'Amr) with this corrupt justification, that agrees with the Muslim Brotherhood and the Surūriyyah and those like them, who accuse the Ulama of not having knowledge of current affairs. Hāni said,"If (Shaykh Ubayd al'Jābirī ) was aware that our war was now against the Muslim Brotherhood, the allies of the Persians and the Khawārij, then he would be open minded about our state of affairs..." Which means, Shaykh Ubayd does not understand their situation and if Shaykh Ubayd understood their situation then he would agree with rebelling against Muslim authorities, opposing them and participating in demonstrations, all for the purpose of fighting the Muslim Brotherhood?!! In addition to that, this is similar to the statement of the Ikhwān and other than them regarding the Ulama, that they do not know the current affairs...

The stance of some who attribute themselves to Salafiyyah with those who are upon clear misguidance, resembles Al'Halabī's stance with Al'Ma'ribī and Al'Magrāwī

O Salafi ...look at Ali Hasan Al'Halabi's stance with some of the Mukhālifeen; and look at what Allāmah Ahmed An'Najmī رحمه الله said regarding his stance. Then look at some of those who attribute themselves to Salafiyyah and their stance, with those who oppose clear evident fundamental principles of Salafiyyah. _________________________________ Allāmah Ahmed Ibn Yahyā An'Najmī رحمه الله said: "As for Alee Hasan Al'Halabi's statement may Allāh give him success, ("as for the Shaykh saying, but it has been narrated on them...meaning, that the questioner transmitted to them on us, that we aid Abul Al'Hasan and Al'Magrāwi, and we praise them, this in reality is an incorrect statement, we criticize Abul Al'Hasan and criticize A'Maghrāwi in that which they erred in, and we have clarified what mulāhathat they have"). I say, if what you said was the truth, that you criticized them,and that they did not accept the criticism; then why ...

From the statements of Al-Imām Rabee Ibn Hādi Al'Madkhalī -حفظه الله - Refuting the Callers to Secession in Yemen ( which was included in his refutation of Abu Al'Hasan Al'Ma'rabi )

From the statements of Imām Rabee Ibn Hādi Al'Madkhali -حفظه الله - Refuting the Callers to Secession in Yemen ( which was included in his refutation of Abu Al'Hasan Al'Ma'rabi ) Allāmah Rabee'-حفظه الله- said: "Political unity was accomplished in Yemen a long time ago, and the one who seeks to tear it apart then it is obligatory upon the state to strike his hands with a hand of steel." That is the Islamic solution that is mandatory, that Abul Hasan who speaks in the name of Islām and Salafiyyah openly clarifies. Related by Muslim in his Saheeh in "The Book of Leadership" Hadeeth (1852) with an isnād to shu'bah, on Ziyād Ibn Ilāqah said: "I heard 'Arfajah say: 'I heard the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ say:" There will be fitnah and innovations. Whoever wants to divide this Ummah when it is united, strike him with the sword, no matter who he is." There used to be two states, one of them was Southern Red Communist, the Mu...

Al-Imām Rabee' Ibn Hādī Al-Madkhalī regarding Yahyaa Al-Hajūrī

Al-Hajūrī claimed :" the blessing of love for the Kitāb of Allāh and the Sunnah of His Messenger ﷺ and love for their sciences and their people, we ask Allāh the Mighty and  Exalted to be firm upon that until death." Commentary of Al-Imām Rabee' Ibn Hādī Al-Madkhalī - حفظه الله تعالى -: "Ahlus-Sunnah and Hadeeth of this era do not see anything from this claim ; you do not see Al-Hajūrī except an adversary to them divided from them, dividing their unity in different lands." From :"Al-Isābah fee Tasheeh maa Dha'fahu wa ibrāz maa jahilahu Al-Hajūrī pg.6 Darul-mirāth An'nabawi 1436H 2015"

Criticizing the Authority openly on the manābir (minbar's) sows hatred in the chest of the people against them

Criticizing the Authority openly on the manābir (minbar's) sows hatred in the chest of the people against them ___________________________________ Allāmah Ahmed Ibn Yahyā An'najmī -Rahimahullāh- said: "The Creed of Ahlul Sunnah Wal Al'Jamā'h is that fighting the authority is unlawful, also revolting against them is not permissible because of the prohibition of the Prophet ﷺ and his warning against rebelling against the authority, and it is also unlawful to oppose the Muslim ruler because of the Hadeeth of Ubādah Ibn As'sāmit,"And not to oppose any position of authority"¹. So opposition (Munāza') to the Muslim Authority is not permissible, and also enragement against them and inciting the general public to rebel against them all of this is not permissible. Also from that is criticizing them openly on the manābir this is from that which puts hatred in the chest for the Authority, and it places isolation between the Authority and the general pub...

Abdullah Adh-Dhafarī defends and praises Hāni Ibn Buraik after his Evil Methodology became evident and clear to everyone.

                بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Let us look at the position of Abdullah Adh-Dhafarī with Hānī Ibn Buraik after the following events: -Hāni clearly revolted against the President of his country,Yemen. He participated in a demonstration against the President on May 4th, 2017 and he aids the call of a secession of Yemen into a North and  South Yemen (which was announced on Thursday, May 11th, 2017). -Shaykh Ubayd Al-Jabirī warned against Hāni Ibn Buraik on 8/15/1438 which corresponds with Thursday, May 11th, 2017 after salatul Ishā and the Shaykh mentioned how Hānī opposed his ruler and the Shaykh called his methodology khabeeth. After all of these events, Abdullah Adh-Dhafarī wrote the following tweets in defense and praise of Hānī Ibn Buraik. ____________________________________________ Tweet written by Abdullah Adh-Dhafarī on May 12, 2017, 5:25 pm This is what we have known from you since we have known you (you are) Brave and ...