Shaykh Rabee' does not praise the book Al-Ibānah by Muhammad al-Imām

    Al-Halabī stated, "But most of the issues that shaykh al-Halabī concluded in (his book) shaykh Muhammad al-Imām agreed with his conclusions in his book named (al-Ibānah 'an kayfiya tu ta'āmul ma' al-khilāf bayyna Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamā'h)"
Source: article written by 'Alee Hasan 'Alee 'Abdul -Hameed(al-Halabī) from the website "Kulukhalafiyyeen"

Imām Rabee's commentary:
Shaykh Al-Imām has erred by agreeing with the foundations of al-Halabī.

    And your support of an error proves that you are submerged in desires. Also, who from the Ulama' as-salaf testified for you and your book, that is based upon quarreling with the Manhaj as'Salafī? Isn't your absence of testifications of Ulama' from the most clear proof of the falsehood that this book contains, and of its opposition to the Manhaj as'Salaf?

(Umdatul Al-Abee pg.621)

And he  حفظه الله تعالى said," Rabee did not compliment the book "Al-Ibānah" by al-Imām, I had quickly skimmed through it, and despite that I disapproved of some affairs in the book, and I commented on this book with remarks for Muhammad al-Imām that he retracts his mistakes, then I read it a second time and scrutinies became clear on some of the mistakes in the book, and I requested from al-Imām to retract these mistakes, and that he looks over his book, and if he found in his book oppositions to the Manhaj of the Salaf, then it is upon him to retract them, and I am still upon that stance that is far from favoritism; taking from Allāh the most High's statement: "O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even if it was to be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin" (An-Nisa:135)

So where is the contradiction? Especially with your acknowledgment that I put some footnotes in the book. And I refute falsehood because it is falsehood, and I do not approve of falsehood like what you accused me of, and the testifications of the Ulamah especially al-Albānī for my writings that they are the truth, and that they refute falsehood, and that they do not oppose the Manhaj of the Salaf, these testifications are enough to convict you of ignorance and oppresion, you make the truth falsehood, and falsehood the truth, for your oppression, ignorance and emnity."
(Umdatul Al-Abī pg.622-623)


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