Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Hādī Al-Madkhalī explains the evil results of bad companionship

Al-Allāmah Muhammad ibn Hādī Al-Madkhalī حفظه الله تعالى said:
"Sufyaan ibn Wakee' ibn Al-Jarrah ibn Maleeh Ar-Ruāsī was afflicted by his warraq, which means his writer, because his writer used to write down hadeeths that was not his. The people advised him about his writer several times, but he did not accept their advice, so he fell, and using him (i.e., his hadeeth) as proof was rejected. And this is a proof of evil companionship and that his company could affect you O person being accompanied, even if you are not doing what he does, and this is also a sign for us in this time, they say so and so is from the students of the Mashayakh the student of so and so, ok if he was evil how does that help so and so? It doesn't help him in anyway, Sufyaan ibn Wakee' was harmed because of his writer he was advised he was told his writer was evil, he puts hadeeths with your hadeeths that's not your hadeeths, but he refused to accept the advice so they abandoned him.
Read his biography it is a line and a half in Taqreeb, this shows the effect of companionship and evil companionship and the effect it has on the musāhib (i.e., person being accompanied) we ask Allāh for safety and security."


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