Al-'Allāmah Rabee al-Madkhalī: The Haddādiyyah and Mumayyiah unite to attack as-Salafiyyah

Al-'Allāmah Rabee' Ibn Hādee Al-Madkhalī said:
Abu Al-Hasan used to make war with the salafiyyeen in Yemen and in every place, in the name of them being Haddādiyyah, and he would say: Indeed they are Haddādiyyah and I will expose them and clarify their foundations.
And in the end he put his hand in the hands of the Haddādiyyah! Because the goal is one; and that is destroying as-salafiyyah; and for that reason when the Haddādiyyah appeared in this era, lead by Fālih, Abul al-Hasan didn't say one word about the Haddādiyyah! It appeared in it's essence and with its foundations and with it's fitnah and with it's problems and he did not say a word about it! In fact, his associates cooperate with the new Haddādiyyah and they circulate their circulations! Plots and games! All of them have one goal. This one has come to dilute and his goal is to attack salafiyyah and this one came with harshness and his intention is to destroy as-salafiyyah! And they meet at this objective, and they corporate!! Understand this!!

(Sharh Aqeedatu as-salaf wa ashābul Hadeeth from the Majmoo' vol 2 pg.72)


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