The stance of some who attribute themselves to Salafiyyah with those who are upon clear misguidance, resembles Al'Halabī's stance with Al'Ma'ribī and Al'Magrāwī

O Salafi ...look at Ali Hasan Al'Halabi's stance with some of the Mukhālifeen; and look at what Allāmah Ahmed An'Najmī رحمه الله said regarding his stance. Then look at some of those who attribute themselves to Salafiyyah and their stance, with those who oppose clear evident fundamental principles of Salafiyyah.
Allāmah Ahmed Ibn Yahyā An'Najmī رحمه الله said:

"As for Alee Hasan Al'Halabi's statement may Allāh give him success, ("as for the Shaykh saying, but it has been narrated on them...meaning, that the questioner transmitted to them on us, that we aid Abul Al'Hasan and Al'Magrāwi, and we praise them, this in reality is an incorrect statement, we criticize Abul Al'Hasan and criticize A'Maghrāwi in that which they erred in, and we have clarified what mulāhathat they have").
I say, if what you said was the truth, that you criticized them,and that they did not accept the criticism; then why didn't you expose their mistake,and clarify it to the people, and free yourself from them?" Secondly, we still hear that the Jordanian Mashāyikh still receive the innovators Abul Al'Hasan, and Al'Magrāwi and we have been asked a lot about this; so we said if what was said is true that Alee Ibn Hasan Al'Halabi ,and Saleem Ibn Eid Al'Hilālī still aid Abul Hasan Al'Marabi and Muhammad Ibn Abdurrahman Al'Magrāwi; then we can not say that knowledge can be taken from them; because we read from the Salaf, their statement. "Who ever aids an innovator, and then he is advised and does not accept the advice;then he is treated like him by being boycotted,and he's not treated pleasantly,and knowledge is not taken from him." So we did not come with anything from ourselves; Abdullah Ibn Muhammad Adhai'f said,"The worst of the Khawārij are the Qa'd."¹

(Addur An'Najmiyyah pg.371-372 Daralminhaj 1435 H -2014)
(1)Al'Hāfith Ibn Hajr -may Allāh have mercy on him-  said in the introduction of (Fat Al'bāri)[pg.432]:(Al'Qa'diyyah: is a group from the Khawārij who used to say what the Khawārij say, but they would not make khurooj (i.e: physically fight the rulers with weapons),but they would beautify the act of khurooj .

(Taken from footnotes in the book Addur An'najmiyyah pg.372)


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