Perspectives of Hānī Ibn Buraik's statement about Shaykh Ubayd Al'Jabirī -حفظه الله -

                   بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
 Look at how Hāni Ibn Buraik justifies revolting against the Authority (Wali Al'Amr) with this corrupt justification, that agrees with the Muslim Brotherhood and the Surūriyyah and those like them, who accuse the Ulama of not having knowledge of current affairs. Hāni said,"If (Shaykh Ubayd al'Jābirī ) was aware that our war was now against the Muslim Brotherhood, the allies of the Persians and the Khawārij, then he would be open minded about our state of affairs..."
Which means, Shaykh Ubayd does not understand their situation and if Shaykh Ubayd understood their situation then he would agree with rebelling against Muslim authorities, opposing them and participating in demonstrations, all for the purpose of fighting the Muslim Brotherhood?!! In addition to that, this is similar to the statement of the Ikhwān and other than them regarding the Ulama, that they do not know the current affairs and that they are Ulama of menses and the postpartum period! Therefore, they are not returned to for these affairs, but those who are returned to are the likes of Hāni Ibn Buraik and his associates, the companions of the disgusting Ikhwāni methodology?! Likewise,Hāni's statement necessitates that Shaykh Ubayd practices -the end justifies the means - which is from the principles of the Muslim Brotherhood! And what's strange is that Abdullah Al-Dhufari praised Hāni's evil statement !


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