Abdullah Adh-Dhafarī defends and praises Hāni Ibn Buraik after his Evil Methodology became evident and clear to everyone.

                بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Let us look at the position of Abdullah Adh-Dhafarī with Hānī Ibn Buraik after the following events:
-Hāni clearly revolted against the President of his country,Yemen. He participated in a demonstration against the President on May 4th, 2017 and he aids the call of a secession of Yemen into a North and  South Yemen (which was announced on Thursday, May 11th, 2017).
-Shaykh Ubayd Al-Jabirī warned against Hāni Ibn Buraik on 8/15/1438 which corresponds with Thursday, May 11th, 2017 after salatul Ishā and the Shaykh mentioned how Hānī opposed his ruler and the Shaykh called his methodology
After all of these events, Abdullah Adh-Dhafarī wrote the following tweets in defense and praise of Hānī Ibn Buraik.
Tweet written by Abdullah Adh-Dhafarī on May 12, 2017, 5:25 pm

This is what we have known from you since we have known you (you are) Brave and a lion and courageous and you look at affairs carefully and with bravery and with truthfullness and careful consideration, indeed the eyes of the cowards do not sleep !!!

Tweet written by Abdullah Adh-Dhafarī on 5/19/17 ,4:36 pm
Shaykh Hānī has and has not ceased to make Jihād against the Hoothees and the Khawān(The Muslim brotherhood )and Allāh has aided him with the strength of the alliance at the time when some are still laid back!!! And have not ceased to be harsh with their tongues against him with the rhythm of the soothsayers.
So we see Abdullah Adh-Dhafarī over looking Hānī's misguidance in the Foundations (Usool) of the Sunnah and siding with Hāni because Hāni made 'Jihād against the Khawān and the Hoothees' isn't this Al-Ma'thira wat Ta'awan (we cooperate with one another upon that which we agree, and we pardon one another in that which we differ)? And we also see Abdullah Adh-Dhafarī praising and defending Hāni after his evil Manhaj became clear and evident. Isn't this the Mumayyi' methodology of Abul Hasan Al-Marabī and Alī Hasan Al-Halabī? Defending and praising people of clear misguidance like Ar'oor and Al-Magrāwī and Muhammad Hassan and Al-Huwaynī and rejecting the clear warnings against them based upon proofs and evidences?


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