From the statements of Al-Imām Rabee Ibn Hādi Al'Madkhalī -حفظه الله - Refuting the Callers to Secession in Yemen ( which was included in his refutation of Abu Al'Hasan Al'Ma'rabi )

From the statements of Imām Rabee Ibn Hādi Al'Madkhali -حفظه الله - Refuting the Callers to Secession in Yemen ( which was included in his refutation of Abu Al'Hasan Al'Ma'rabi )
Allāmah Rabee'-حفظه الله- said:
"Political unity was accomplished in Yemen a long time ago, and the one who seeks to tear it apart then it is obligatory upon the state to strike his hands with a hand of steel."
That is the Islamic solution that is mandatory, that Abul Hasan who speaks in the name of Islām and Salafiyyah openly clarifies.
Related by Muslim in his Saheeh in "The Book of Leadership" Hadeeth (1852) with an isnād to shu'bah, on Ziyād Ibn Ilāqah said: "I heard 'Arfajah say: 'I heard the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ say:" There will be fitnah and innovations. Whoever wants to divide this Ummah when it is united, strike him with the sword, no matter who he is."
There used to be two states, one of them was Southern Red Communist, the Muslims were able to breathe a sigh of relief when it fell. Then Tawheed and Sunnah spread over the debris of communism, and those who seek secession (infisāl) desire that dark era in the shadows of their previous leaders, just like they say openly and they raise the flags of that communist era, so why doesn't Abu Al'Hasan openly announce this or that? Indeed,his gloomy politics ties his tongue and paralyzes his brain from being open about this reality."
Abu Hasan said :"Everyone who seeks their legal rights is not generalized as an infisāli." (secessionist)
So Shaykh Rabee حفظه الله  replied to him:
"What is this legal right, do you want legal rights in Islām? Then give the legislative proof of the legality of seeking this request during demonstrations and assembling in the streets and raising flags and signs, and the goal of this is demanding a secession and reviving the socialist or you can say, communist state. The truth is that you submitted and you're submissive and you're a caller to the spread of democracy."
Abu Al'Hasan said: "A lot of the authorities in the North and the South are nowhere to be seen!"
Shaykh Rabee replied to him: "I say: 'The question is political and democratic, and so is the answer, and it also has inciting the South Yemenis and the North Yemenis, and sorry to say that he does not increase the fitnah except into flames, in addition to that, what are the political powers of those absent (public servants) which they are afraid to terminate for the reasons that you claim? Indeed, the Muslim who is truthful, sacrifices his individual benefits and puts the general benefit of the Muslims forward seeking the pleasure of Allāh and in compliance with the guidance of the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ for the Muslims to be patient during calamities and closing the door of Fitan and bloodshed and disgrace of honor  and wasting of money and the spread of fear and chaos. And those who appoint themselves are egotist, they do not take into consideration the general interest, and they are not concerned about the consequences of their appointing themselves authority from evils and harms; and the reason for that is they do not submit themselves to the advice of the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ. Indeed, Abu Al'Hasan ignores the Prophetic advice, and does not look to taking into consideration the benefits and harms. So what about Abu Al'Hasan ignoring this methodology, Islām charges the one who craves political status of only craving that which is in his interest- muslahah- not the people's interest and establishing justice amongst them.' "
Narrated that Abu Musā Al'Asharee said: "I came to the Prophet  ﷺ, with two men of the Ash'aris one on my right and one on my left, and both of them asked for a position of authority. The Prophet ﷺ was using a siwāk and he said:' What are you saying , O Abu Mūsā (or O 'Abdullah Ibn Qais)? I said:'By the one who has sent you with the truth, they did not tell me what was on their minds, and I did not realize that they were going to ask for positions of authority." He said:" It is as if I can see his siwāk between his lips. He said: 'We will never appoint to this work those who want it...the Hadeeth.
And in another version:"By Allāh, we will not appoint to such positions anyone who asks for it, or anyone who is eager for it."Agreed upon, look at Saheeh Al'Bukharī "The Book of Ahkām" Hadeeth (7149), and Muslim in The Book of Leadership Hadeeth (1733)
Al'Ma'rabi said during his talk about the South Yemen Movement: "And the public is aware of this, and I advise the brothers in the movement to have intelligence in the approach so they do not lose the support of those who aid them in their just demand !"
So Shaykh Rabee حفظه الله replied to him -" What is their rightful requests according to the scale of Islām? And are those millions that you claim support them coming from the essence of Islām and its wise legislation, or democracy; the legislation of the Jews and the Christians?"
The scale of loss and gain with Abu Al'Hasan is worldly (dunyawi), as for the sha'ree' Aqādee political oppositions and that which these Aqādiyyah ,Manhājiyyah political oppositions bring about and that which they cause from the anger of Allāh and His severe punishment that does not come across Abu Al'Hasan's political mind, and it's possible that it occurred to him but he doesn't want to hurt his brothers in the movement's feelings and others implementing his manhaj Al'wāsi' Al'afyaah. [ie: expansive, broad] Who are the ones who are moderate sympathizers with the request of the socialist, those who are not moved except by the communist; Alee Sālam Al'baydh and the pillars of his communist state that is gone for ever if Allāh willed. Does this not prove the mistake and the ignorance of those sympathizers of the well known affairs of Islām and its solutions  that the associates of those request deserve? This is one thing, another thing if it became apparent to these individuals and others that these socialist and those who assist them do not want unity (wihdah), then why do you direct them to this limit and you see that they have rights that they have the right to demand? Also,why don't you clarify the Islamic ruling regarding them especially since you speak in the name of Islām? Indeed it is politics and democracy that has taken over your mind and your conscious and your judgements."
Summarized from an article by Allāmah Rabee' Ibn Hādee Al'Madkhalī -حفظه الله-
"The Innocence of the Islāmic legislation from the Democracy and Manhaj Misguidance of Abu Hasan ( The Second Study)


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