Criticizing the Authority openly on the manābir (minbar's) sows hatred in the chest of the people against them

Criticizing the Authority openly on the manābir (minbar's) sows hatred in the chest of the people against them

Allāmah Ahmed Ibn Yahyā An'najmī
-Rahimahullāh- said:
"The Creed of Ahlul Sunnah Wal Al'Jamā'h is that fighting the authority is unlawful, also revolting against them is not permissible because of the prohibition of the Prophet ﷺ and his warning against rebelling against the authority, and it is also unlawful to oppose the Muslim ruler because of the Hadeeth of Ubādah Ibn As'sāmit,"And not to oppose any position of authority"¹. So opposition (Munāza') to the Muslim Authority is not permissible, and also enragement against them and inciting the general public to rebel against them all of this is not permissible. Also from that is criticizing them openly on the manābir this is from that which puts hatred in the chest for the Authority, and it places isolation between the Authority and the general public, and it places them in a state where they don't trust one another. The Prophet said ﷺ,"The best of your rulers are those whom you love and they love you, upon whom you invoke blessings and they invoke blessings and they invoke blessings upon you. The worst of your rulers are those whom you hate and they hate you, and you invoke curses upon them and they invoke curses upon you.' They said: 'O Messenger of Allāh, in that case, should we not fight them?' He said:'No, not so long as they establish the Salat among you. No, not so long as they establish the Salat among you. But whoever is under the authority of a ruler and sees him do something that he dislikes of disobedience towards Allāh, let him hate his disobedient action, but he should not withdraw his hand from obedience to him (i.e., he should not rebel against him"².
And the proofs for this chapter are found from knowledge. and the books are plenty, and the statements of the Salaf in this issue are plenty and with Allāh is success."

(Irshād As'sāree fee Sharh As'sunnah lil Al-Barbahāree pg.100-101 Maktabatul-Furqān print 1425 H - 2004)
(1)Related by Imām Muslim ,no.4771,English Translation, Darussalam 2007

(2)Related by Imām Muslim ,no.4805,English Translation, Darussalam 2007


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