Al-Imām Abdul Aziz Ibn Bāz-رحمه الله- about the one who believes with his heart and stated with tongue and doesnt act with his limbs

Imām Abdul Aziz Ibn Bāz (may Allāh have mercy on him) was asked about the one who believes with his heart and his tongue and never did any actions with his limbs?
The Answer:
This is an area the scholars have differed in, the scholar who says abandoning the salat is disbelief, says: He will be eternally in hell, and  the one who says abandoning the salat is minor kufar, it's ruling is like the rest of the major sins, he is under the will of Allāh(Allāh will punish him if he wants or forgive him)".

Taliqāt Albāziyyah Ala sharh Attahāwiyyah,  page 752


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