
Showing posts from December, 2017

Al-Imām Rabee' Al-Madkhalee: The disparagement that is proven with evidences and is explained takes precedence over my praise and I submit to it.

Al-Imām Rabee' ibn Hādī Al-Madkhalee: Right now a person can come claiming he is a student of knowledge and outwardly display deen, piety and good manners and stay with you for days, so you base (things) on the apparent, and by Allāh I praised people this year, by Allāh they were always around me and Maa shaa Allāh, peity and so forth..., then it became apparent to me the criticism regarding them, if some one made Salah with me and gave zakah and makes dhikr of Allāh and travels with me etc, I will testify to what I saw, I don't praise anyone above Allāh, but someone else comes, who knows him better than me, he uncovers his mistakes and uncovers affairs that tarnish his integrity, so he disparages him with knowledge and proves his criticism with evidences and he explains his disparagement, then his disparagement takes precedence over my praise and I submit to it, the proof for the disparagement of the individual has been presented, what is apparent is that the truth is with h...

Al-Imām Rabee': alot of the Salafiyeen revolve around individuals

Al-Imām Rabee': We find that alot of the Salafiyeen revolve around individuals and they do not revolve around the truth, and this is a dangerous sickness, We should never revolve around individuals. It is obligatory that we measure individuals with the truth, and not to measure the truth with individuals, and to know the men by the truth and not to know the truth by men. (A discussion about situations in Afghanistan, cassette number 1)

Lofty words by Al-Imām Rabee' Al-Madkhalee which applies to the sudden 'scholar' Sa'āfiqah mischief making infiltrators in the ranks of the Salafiyeen

Al-Imām Rabee' Al-Madkhalee: Now you have a small student a mischief maker,deliberately stirs up turmoil between Ahlus-Sunnah, becomes an Imām over night; he sits and studies two days and then becomes a Ustaath! And he has a  group who are biased towards him! They don't accept any criticism of him, no matter what that criticism contains from proofs and evidences! (Ath-dhireey'ah ilaa bayaan Maqāsid kitaab Ash-Sharee'ah Vol 2 pg.588 Darul miraath print 2013-1434H)

Al-Imām Rabee' Ibn Hādee Al-Madkhalee: the people of falsehood use recommendations for manipulation and to attack Ahlus-Sunnah

Al-Imām Rabee' Ibn Hādee Al-Madkhalee -may Allāh preserve him- said : In this time alot of the people of misguidance go to some of the Scholars and make it appear to these scholars that they are Salafies so they can get recommendations from them, then they use these recommendations as weapons to attack the Methodology of the Salaf and to fight with it's people, as which is occurring right now where you are at, in Holland and in France and in other places. Some of the people of falsehood and ignorance went to some of the Scholars of the methodology of the Salaf and they got recommendations from them, in ways that only Allāh knows for dispicable purposes, this is manipulating the minds of the youth in the name of these recommendations to pull them away from the Methodology of the Salaf and to hinder them from this methodology and to throw them in the pit of misguided hizbiyyah and refuge with Allāh is sought, and this is taking place where your at and you are aware of this, so ...

Al-Imām Rabee' Ibn Haadī Al-Madkhalee: We do not know the truth by the men rather we know the men by the truth

Al-Imām Rabee' Ibn Hādee Al'Madkhalee -May Allāh preserve him - said: O youth of Islām the ship of salvation is submission to Allāh, the ship of salvation is seeking refuge with the the obedience of Allāh and with obedience of the Messenger  of Allāh -(So flee to Allāh, indeed I (Muhammad) am sent by him, to you as a clear warner.)) [:50] seeking protection with Allāh and with His ruling in issues of differing, so we can clarify who is upon the truth, so we take his statement, not because he is so and so, but because he has evidence with him, and because he has the truth with him and because he has Allāh said and the Messenger said -peace and blessings be upon him- and we  leave the one who opposes it whoever he may be, no matter how firm his feet are grounded in knowledge, worship and in the Religion and piety, and there is a statement the Scholars say, it is possible that we can say this is a principal, and it is: «the men are known by the truth and the truth is not known b...

Al-Imām Rabee' Al-Madkhalī refuting Abul-Hasan Al-Ma'ribee the Ikhwānee and his Hizb for affairs that are similar to some current events

Al-Imām Rabee' Al-Madkhalī refuting Abul-Hasan Al-Ma'ribee the Ikhwānee and his Hizb for affairs that are somewhat similar to what some people are inviting to today!] Al-Imām Rabee'- حفظه الله-said in: "Makayad khatirah Wa Makroon Kubār" Abul-Hasan said :" Nobody from either group  is to go to another 'Ālim- who does not know the affairs here, or is not connected to the two Shaykhs mentioned- then he takes that Shaykh's verdict and incites turmoil amongst his brothers, verily returning to other 'Ulema is to be done by way of the two Shaykhs mentioned حفظهما الله" Shaykh Rabee' commented : Have your ears heard fanaticism like this to Al-Halabī and Al-Hilālī? And have your ears heard fanatical plotting to keep the youth away from the Major Scholars of the Sunnah and to attach them to these two youths who are fanatics to the likes of him (i.e, Abul Hasan Al-Ma'rabī) and the likes of Adnān Ar'oor and at the same time are fanatics...

Al-Allāmah Muhammad ibn Hādī Al-Madkhalī regarding the criterion of 'Arafat Al-Muhammadī and 'Abdulilah Ar-Rifa'ee Al-Juhanī in Al-Jarh wat tadeel

Al-Allāmah Muhammad ibn Hādī Al-Madkhalī addressing: 'Arafat ibn Hasan Al-Muhammadī, 'Abdulilah Ar-Rifā'ee Al-Juhanī and Abu 'Abdullah Bushtee Al-Magribee Al-Hollandee: Your criterian with Al-Jarh wat Ta'deel is only: that an individual is a follower, you move him how you wish. If he is with you he is the most truthful of the people, even if he was the most lying of the people and the most evil of the people. And if he is not with you then you consider him to be the most lying of the people, even if he was the most pious of the people and the most truthful of the people!! (Removing the veil of what Abu 'Abdullah Bushtee wrote on whatsapp and 'Abdulilah Ar-Rifā'ee Al-Juhanī circulated privately amongst his companions and loved ones pg.3)