Al-Imām Rabee' Al-Madkhalee: The disparagement that is proven with evidences and is explained takes precedence over my praise and I submit to it.

Al-Imām Rabee' ibn Hādī Al-Madkhalee:

Right now a person can come claiming he is a student of knowledge and outwardly display deen, piety and good manners and stay with you for days, so you base (things) on the apparent, and by Allāh I praised people this year, by Allāh they were always around me and Maa shaa Allāh, peity and so forth..., then it became apparent to me the criticism regarding them, if some one made Salah with me and gave zakah and makes dhikr of Allāh and travels with me etc, I will testify to what I saw, I don't praise anyone above Allāh, but someone else comes, who knows him better than me, he uncovers his mistakes and uncovers affairs that tarnish his integrity, so he disparages him with knowledge and proves his criticism with evidences and he explains his disparagement, then his disparagement takes precedence over my praise and I submit to it, the proof for the disparagement of the individual has been presented, what is apparent is that the truth is with him.

Source: Al-Majmoo' Vol 14 page 251


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