Al-Imām Rabee' Ibn Haadī Al-Madkhalee: We do not know the truth by the men rather we know the men by the truth

Al-Imām Rabee' Ibn Hādee Al'Madkhalee -May Allāh preserve him - said:
O youth of Islām the ship of salvation is submission to Allāh, the ship of salvation is seeking refuge with the the obedience of Allāh and with obedience of the Messenger  of Allāh -(So flee to Allāh, indeed I (Muhammad) am sent by him, to you as a clear warner.)) [:50] seeking protection with Allāh and with His ruling in issues of differing, so we can clarify who is upon the truth, so we take his statement, not because he is so and so, but because he has evidence with him, and because he has the truth with him and because he has Allāh said and the Messenger said -peace and blessings be upon him- and we  leave the one who opposes it whoever he may be, no matter how firm his feet are grounded in knowledge, worship and in the Religion and piety, and there is a statement the Scholars say, it is possible that we can say this is a principal, and it is: «the men are known by the truth and the truth is not known by the men», «the men are known by the truth» which means we do not say they are upon the truth unless we see the truth supporting them and the legislative texts of Qurān and Sunnah supporting them «and the truth is not known by the men» which means you make a man your only path, and you make him a criterion or the standard for the truth, so whatever he says is the truth and whatever he doesn't say is falsehood and whatever he rejects is falsehood, and it could be the truth and whatever he accepts is the truth and that might not be the case, it could be falsehood, so we don't know the truth by the men rather we know the men by the truth.

( Al-Majmoo Ar'Rā'iq pg.277-278)


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