Lofty words by Al-Imām Rabee' Al-Madkhalee which applies to the sudden 'scholar' Sa'āfiqah mischief making infiltrators in the ranks of the Salafiyeen

Al-Imām Rabee' Al-Madkhalee:
Now you have a small student a mischief maker,deliberately stirs up turmoil between Ahlus-Sunnah, becomes an Imām over night; he sits and studies two days and then becomes a Ustaath! And he has a  group who are biased towards him! They don't accept any criticism of him, no matter what that criticism contains from proofs and evidences!
(Ath-dhireey'ah ilaa bayaan Maqāsid kitaab Ash-Sharee'ah Vol 2 pg.588
Darul miraath print 2013-1434H)


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