Al-Imām Rabee' Ibn Hādee Al-Madkhalee: the people of falsehood use recommendations for manipulation and to attack Ahlus-Sunnah

Al-Imām Rabee' Ibn Hādee Al-Madkhalee -may Allāh preserve him- said :
In this time alot of the people of misguidance go to some of the Scholars and make it appear to these scholars that they are Salafies so they can get recommendations from them, then they use these recommendations as weapons to attack the Methodology of the Salaf and to fight with it's people, as which is occurring right now where you are at, in Holland and in France and in other places.
Some of the people of falsehood and ignorance went to some of the Scholars of the methodology of the Salaf and they got recommendations from them, in ways that only Allāh knows for dispicable purposes, this is manipulating the minds of the youth in the name of these recommendations to pull them away from the Methodology of the Salaf and to hinder them from this methodology and to throw them in the pit of misguided hizbiyyah and refuge with Allāh is sought, and this is taking place where your at and you are aware of this, so it is upon the youth to be aware of these principles (i.e., The principles of Al-Jarh wat Ta'deel) and to be aware of those manipulators, those who manipulate the minds of the youth and their emotions and they manipulate the principles, foundations and legislative texts of Islām."

(From:Al-lubāb pg 503)


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