Al-Imām Rabee' Al-Madkhalī refuting Abul-Hasan Al-Ma'ribee the Ikhwānee and his Hizb for affairs that are similar to some current events

Al-Imām Rabee' Al-Madkhalī refuting Abul-Hasan Al-Ma'ribee the Ikhwānee and his Hizb for affairs that are somewhat similar to what some people are inviting to today!]
Al-Imām Rabee'- حفظه الله-said in: "Makayad khatirah Wa Makroon Kubār"

Abul-Hasan said :" Nobody from either group  is to go to another 'Ālim- who does not know the affairs here, or is not connected to the two Shaykhs mentioned- then he takes that Shaykh's verdict and incites turmoil amongst his brothers, verily returning to other 'Ulema is to be done by way of the two Shaykhs mentioned حفظهما الله"
Shaykh Rabee' commented :
Have your ears heard fanaticism like this to Al-Halabī and Al-Hilālī? And have your ears heard fanatical plotting to keep the youth away from the Major Scholars of the Sunnah and to attach them to these two youths who are fanatics to the likes of him (i.e, Abul Hasan Al-Ma'rabī) and the likes of Adnān Ar'oor and at the same time are fanatics to the most dangerous money organizations to the Manhaj As-Salafī and al-Hizbiyyah? And if a youth returned to Al-Halabi will he direct him to other than Abul Hasan and those similar to him, who set out to fight the Salafī methodology and defend  the people of innovation, misguidance and foundations that are for attacking and protection.       
"Abul Hasan has put down the plan as well as those who are behind him, like Al-Halabī; to capture the Salafi youth in Britain and elsewhere, and to unite them upon falsehood, false principles, and to isolate them from the 'Ulema of the Sunnah, and we have not seen fanatical deception more than this destructive fanatical  deception...."
(Page 41)
He Also said :
"He is still attaching the youth to the two Shaykhs, and if the two Shaykhs was generalized then the meaning of this generalization is Al-Halabī and his associate, and they have eliminated the 'Ulema and Shuyūkh so they have left with no return, and the two Shaykhs live on, with their Shaykh Abul Hasan.
If two groups agreed upon the wording of a question, then is it not possible for other than Al-Halabi and his associate to answer the question with knowledge and proof, so why do you pull the ropes around their necks towards Al-Halabi and his associate?  Does the clever one not see that behind the hill is evil affairs and dispicable hizbī objectives? And who said Al-Halabi and his associate are accredited 'Ulema, and that their rulings are infallible from desires and blind fanacticism to those who incline or are fanatics to them?
(Page 42)
Shaykh Rabee' said,
"As for other than Al-Halabi and his associate from the "Scholars" then they are not from the people of Ijtihād , and who ever takes from their fatwas that is based upon proof from the Islamic legislation; then he has fallen into and is engrossed in blame worthy blind following.
And  beware O Salafies of considering this action to be from At-tahazub, Manipulating the minds or diluting (Tamyee') the Salafi manhaj and it's people, because you come from a constricted manhaj, and Abu Al-Hasan and his Hizb come from foundations and foundations, and the head of those foundations is: a wide spacious  manhaj that consist of all the Ummah, except  the Salafī Manhaj and it's people."
(Page 54)
Summerized from the book: (Umdatul Al-Abee)


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