
Al-Imām Ibn ‘Abdul-Barr concerning the one who abandoned the Salah (I.e. Prayer)

(Al-Imām Ibn ‘Abdul-Barr concerning the one who abandoned the Salah) O Sunnī Salafī ponder upon the statement of Ibn 'Abdul-Barr (463 H)-may Allāh have mercy on him-! Al-Imām Rabee' Ibn Hādī Al-Madkhalī-May Allāh preserve him-said, "Al-Imām Ibn Abdul Barr said in "At-Tamheed"(23/288-290)in the explanation of the hadeeth of 'Ubādah Ibn As-Sāmit on the authority of the Messenger of Allāh  ﷺ that he said, " Five Salats Allāh, the Exalted and Sublime, has made obligatory upon his slaves;  whoever performs them and does not waste anything from them by neglecting their rights, then he has a promise from Allāh that he will enter him into Heaven. And whoever does not perform these Salats then he does not have a promise with Allāh: if Allāh wishes, He will punish him, and if He wishes, He will admit him into Heaven" He said -May Allāh have mercy on him-:"in this Hadeeth is that there are no other than five obligatory  prescribed salawāt ,and ...

From the Methods of Ahlul-Bidah is Distorting the image of the person of the truth to deceive the people and misconstrue the truth

As-Shaykh Rabee' Ibn Hādī Al-Madkhalī -حفظه الله-said: O Brothers, The one who wants to reject the truth will come with the faults of the person of the truth, this is what the disbelievers are upon from the Jews, Christians and the idolaters and this is what the people of innovation are upon. The people of innovation might compete with the disbelievers in Lying and destorting the image of the people of the truth, just as they destorted the image of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ahmed ibn Hanbil and other than them from the Imāms of the Sunnah, and just as they destorted the image of Imām Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahāb, how much did they oppress him and lie on him, so they deceive the gullible and foolish by  misconstruing the truth and distorting the image of the one who came with it. (From:Ad-Dhiriy'ah 1/495) قال الشيخ ربيع المدخلي-حفظه اللّه تعالى- "يا إخوة، الذي يريد أن يرد الحق يأتي بعيوب لصاحب الحق،هذا ما عليه الكفار من اليهود و النصارى و الوثنيون و أهل البدع. أهل البدع قد يبارون ا...

Giving precedence to the elders is not general

Giving precedence to the elders is not general Ibn Battāl Rahimahullah said in the explanation of Saheeh Al-Bukhārī vol.9 pg. 317 and 318 in the Maktaba alrushd print Honouring the elders and putting them first in speaking and in all affairs is from the manners and excellent morals of Islām, and Abdur-Razzaq mentioned in the Hadeeth (from glorifying Allāh's loftiness is respecting those who have reached old age in Islām) and with this meaning the Prophet ﷺ said:(The elder the elder) So he ordered  to let the elder be the first one too speak, so this is a Sunnah, but the Hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar proves that the meaning of this is not general, in fact it is incumbent that the elder starts speaking in that which the young and old are equal in knowledge, but if the youth knew that which the elder was ignorant of, then it is incumbent for the one who has knowledge to mention it and put it forth, even if he was young, and that is not considered bad manners or being short with the ri...

Al-Imām Rabee' Al-Madkhalee: The disparagement that is proven with evidences and is explained takes precedence over my praise and I submit to it.

Al-Imām Rabee' ibn Hādī Al-Madkhalee: Right now a person can come claiming he is a student of knowledge and outwardly display deen, piety and good manners and stay with you for days, so you base (things) on the apparent, and by Allāh I praised people this year, by Allāh they were always around me and Maa shaa Allāh, peity and so forth..., then it became apparent to me the criticism regarding them, if some one made Salah with me and gave zakah and makes dhikr of Allāh and travels with me etc, I will testify to what I saw, I don't praise anyone above Allāh, but someone else comes, who knows him better than me, he uncovers his mistakes and uncovers affairs that tarnish his integrity, so he disparages him with knowledge and proves his criticism with evidences and he explains his disparagement, then his disparagement takes precedence over my praise and I submit to it, the proof for the disparagement of the individual has been presented, what is apparent is that the truth is with h...

Al-Imām Rabee': alot of the Salafiyeen revolve around individuals

Al-Imām Rabee': We find that alot of the Salafiyeen revolve around individuals and they do not revolve around the truth, and this is a dangerous sickness, We should never revolve around individuals. It is obligatory that we measure individuals with the truth, and not to measure the truth with individuals, and to know the men by the truth and not to know the truth by men. (A discussion about situations in Afghanistan, cassette number 1)

Lofty words by Al-Imām Rabee' Al-Madkhalee which applies to the sudden 'scholar' Sa'āfiqah mischief making infiltrators in the ranks of the Salafiyeen

Al-Imām Rabee' Al-Madkhalee: Now you have a small student a mischief maker,deliberately stirs up turmoil between Ahlus-Sunnah, becomes an Imām over night; he sits and studies two days and then becomes a Ustaath! And he has a  group who are biased towards him! They don't accept any criticism of him, no matter what that criticism contains from proofs and evidences! (Ath-dhireey'ah ilaa bayaan Maqāsid kitaab Ash-Sharee'ah Vol 2 pg.588 Darul miraath print 2013-1434H)

Al-Imām Rabee' Ibn Hādee Al-Madkhalee: the people of falsehood use recommendations for manipulation and to attack Ahlus-Sunnah

Al-Imām Rabee' Ibn Hādee Al-Madkhalee -may Allāh preserve him- said : In this time alot of the people of misguidance go to some of the Scholars and make it appear to these scholars that they are Salafies so they can get recommendations from them, then they use these recommendations as weapons to attack the Methodology of the Salaf and to fight with it's people, as which is occurring right now where you are at, in Holland and in France and in other places. Some of the people of falsehood and ignorance went to some of the Scholars of the methodology of the Salaf and they got recommendations from them, in ways that only Allāh knows for dispicable purposes, this is manipulating the minds of the youth in the name of these recommendations to pull them away from the Methodology of the Salaf and to hinder them from this methodology and to throw them in the pit of misguided hizbiyyah and refuge with Allāh is sought, and this is taking place where your at and you are aware of this, so ...