Al-Imām Ibn ‘Abdul-Barr concerning the one who abandoned the Salah (I.e. Prayer)

(Al-Imām Ibn ‘Abdul-Barr concerning the one who abandoned the Salah)

O Sunnī Salafī ponder upon the statement of Ibn 'Abdul-Barr (463 H)-may Allāh have mercy on him-!
Al-Imām Rabee' Ibn Hādī Al-Madkhalī-May Allāh preserve him-said,
"Al-Imām Ibn Abdul Barr said in "At-Tamheed"(23/288-290)in the explanation of the hadeeth of 'Ubādah Ibn As-Sāmit on the authority of the Messenger of Allāh  ﷺ that he said, " Five Salats Allāh, the Exalted and Sublime, has made obligatory upon his slaves;  whoever performs them and does not waste anything from them by neglecting their rights, then he has a promise from Allāh that he will enter him into Heaven. And whoever does not perform these Salats then he does not have a promise with Allāh: if Allāh wishes, He will punish him, and if He wishes, He will admit him into Heaven"
He said -May Allāh have mercy on him-:"in this Hadeeth is that there are no other than five obligatory  prescribed salawāt ,and this is what is related in other hadeeths, and this hadeeth has proof that the one who never made salāt from the Muslims is under the will of Allāh-if he was a Muwāhid believer in what Muhammad-ﷺ- came with believing and acknowledging it, even if he did not do any action,  this is also a refutation of the statement of the Mu'tezilah and the Khawārij, don't  you see that the one who accepts Islām is a Muslim from the time he enters into Islām and that is with his acceptence, his creed and by placing his intention, and that is before he goes into performing Salat or fasting Ramathān, so from the area of scrutiny, it is not befitting that he becomes a Kāfir except by eliminating that which entered him into Islām-and that is disbelieving in that which he acknowledged and believed, and Allāh knows best.
And we have mentioned the differing of the scholars regarding executing the one who refuses to make the salāh if he acknowledged its obligation -in this book in the chapter of Zayd Ibn Aslam-and all praise is due to Allāh."
[A refutation on the one who says:the Hadeeth's of the intercession and the hadeeth of the Bitāqah(card) are from the texts that are unclear(ambiguous),opposing the consensus of the Sahābah and the Tābeein and the Imāms of the Muslims]
(1)Related by Abu Dawūd (2/1420)
Authenticated by al-Albāni in Sahīh Sunan Abī Dawūd (5/1276)
وقال الإمام ابن عبد البر في "التمهيد" (23/288-290) في شرح حديث عبادة بن الصامت عن رسول الله –صلى الله عليه وسلم- قال: "خمس صلوات كتبهن الله عز وجل على العباد فمن جاء بهن لم يضيع منهن شيئا استخفافا بحقهن كان له عند الله عهد أن يدخله الجنة ومن لم يأت بهن فليس له عند الله عهد إن شاء عذبه وإن شاء أدخله الجنة".
قال –رحمه الله-: " وفيه أن الصلوات المكتوبات المفترضات خمس لا غير، وهذا محفوظ في غير ما حديث، وفيه دليل على أن من لم يصل من المسلمين في مشيئة الله -إذا كان موحدا مؤمناً بما جاء به محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم- مصدقا مقرا وإن لم يعمل، وهذا يرد قول المعتزلة والخوارج بأسرها، ألا ترى أن المقر بالإسلام في حين دخوله فيه -يكون مسلما قبل الدخول في عمل الصلاة وصوم رمضان بإقراره واعتقاده وعقدة نيته، فمن جهة النظر لا يجب أن يكون كافرا إلا برفع ما كان به مسلما- وهو الجحود لما كان قد أقر به واعتقده- والله أعلم.
وقد ذكرنا اختلاف العلماء في قتل من أبى من عمل الصلاة إذا كان بها مقرا -في باب زيد بن أسلم من هذا الكتاب- والحمد لله" .
تأمل قول ابن عبد البر جيدًا.


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