When do Scholars ask for proof for a criticism?

Imām Rabee' Ibn Hādee Al'Madkhali -May Allāh preserve him- was asked:
O Shaykh if one of the scholars criticises an individual do we request from him proof and the reason?
The Answer: if he was a reliable recognized Scholar who knows the reasons of criticism and praise it is not requested from him proof, it is requested from him proof if he conflicted with another scholar, it is requested from him proof, if he gave proof then the criticism takes precedence over the praise."
( from a recording titled: Al-Manhaj At-Tamyieey wa Qawāidahu)
And he said:
"The people of knowledge have not ceased to accept the criticism and praise¹ from one or two of the people of knowledge, and they submitted to them with this criticism and praise ,and they do not request from them to establish the illumanative proofs except if the critic conflicted with a recognized Imām of criticism and praise.
And in that case it is a must that the critic establishes what is disparaging evident proof with the people of knowledge.
But if the critic did not conflict with anyone from the people of knowledge, then the true people of knowledge do not say: It is a must that you establish the illumanative proof, because that contains elimination of the reliability of the scholars of criticism and praise and opposition to the methodology of the salaf, and the people of knowledge are far from thinking about eliminating the accounts and rulings of those who are reliable, an affair that Al-Halabī is fooled with and lays down with ignorance and desires."
Article: Al-Halabi destroys himself with ignorance, arrogance and dishonesty (part 2 pg.213)
And He said -may Allāh preserve him-:
The Scholar's do not request proof for the authenticity of a criticism except if there is a confliction from a scholar of criticism and praise²,and if not then the origin with them is accepting it from qualified reliable scholars with out asking for proof.
Article:Al-Halabi destroys himself with ignorance, arrogance and dishonesty (part 2 pg.216)
(1)Jarh wat ta'deel
(2)Jarh wat ta'deel


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