
Showing posts from May, 2017

A Detailed criticism must be proven with valid proofs and evidence

Imām Rabee Ibn Hādi Al'Madkhalī said: "Ibn Salah concluded that ta'deel is accepted with out mention of the reason, and that Jarh is not accepted except if it is detailed clarifying the reason, because people differ concerning what criticises and what does not criticise and it is related on Al'khateeb that this is the madhab of the Imāms and critics of Hadeeth like Al'Bukhari and Muslim and other than them. Then he said -may Allāh preserve him-.."and he mentioned the story of Muslim Ibn Ibraheem that he criticized Sālih Al'Muri' with what is not considered from the reasons of criticism, even if Al'Muri' was criticized for other than this reason, and from the reasons Ikrimah was criticized is that he was upon the madhab of the Sufriyyah Khawārij he was criticized by some of the Imāms for this reason, and Imām Al'Bukhari did not accept their criticism because of their weak evidence." (Majmoo vol. 9 pg. 148-149).

Not everyone is qualified to give Tazkiyyah

Imām Rabee Al'Madkhali-may Allāh preserve him- said: "Not everyone who claims to have knowledge is qualified to give a tazkiyyah.But a tazkiyyah has to be from those who have expansive knowledge,and they have experience ,knowledge of Al'Jarh wa At'ta'deel and they know that which criticizes an individual and removes his adālah¹ and that which raises an individual  from righteous actions and truthfulness, and beneficial knowledge." [Murhaba yā tālibul Al'ilm pg. 418] (1)religious integrity

Liar is a detailed criticism

Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Hādee Al'Madkhali said on November 2,2015 : "Ka'dhāb(liar)is a detailed criticism.. a detailed criticism is that which is  explained and clarified, so for example if it is said about so and so he is a liar (ka'dhāb) and you don't know any lying from him then correct you say how is he a liar?  You go to the one who who said he was a liar- and you know the meaning of liar- but you ask him how and when did this discription of him being a liar occur? for what reason? If he explained to you with something accurate that is accepted you accept it and if not then no you don't accept it ,no you don't accept it."

Shaykh Rabee Regarding blind following

Imām Rabee' Ibn Hādee Al'Madkhalee -May Allaah preserve him- said: "At'taqleed¹ is :Accepting someone's statement without evidence. And the Salafies do not accept statement's except if they are based upon evidence's and proof's." (Umdatu Abee pg. 417) And He said: "We are not saying:close your eyes and run behind us, but examine with understanding and comprehension, and let that be accompanied with honesty and sincerity." (Majmoo Ar-rāiq pg 215) (1)blind following

All of Ahlul Bida' have a tendency of the Khawārij

الإمام ربيع بن هادي المدخلي : "أهل البدع كلهم فيهم نزعة الخوارج؛نزعة الخروج على السلطان،عندهم هذه النزعة الخبيثة،لا تجد نقيًّا في هذا الباب إلا أهل السنة الخُلّص." (شرح عقيدة السلف أصحاب الحديث ص ١٨٠) Al-Imām Rabee' Ibn Hādī Al-Madkhalī: All of The people of innovation have a tendency of the Khawārij; the tendency of revolting against the Muslim government ,they have this disgusting tendency, you do not find anyone flawless in this issue except those who are truly Ahlus Sunnah. (From the book: "Sharh Aqeedah Ashābul Hadeeth pg.180)

Passing rulings on Salafies must have valid proofs

Al-Imām Rabee' Ibn Hādee Al-Madkhalee -May Allāh preserve him- said: And lastly I say : indeed passing rulings on individuals that ascribe to the Salafī methodology and their voices echo that they are Salafies without clarifiying the reasons of the criticism and without proofs and evidences has caused major harms and division in every land, so it is a must that these fitan be  extinguished by producing the proofs and evidences of the criticism that clarify to the people and convince them of the truth of these rulings and their accuracy or retracting those rulings. Do you not see that the scholars of the Salaf had established proofs and evidences of the misguidance of groups such as the Rāfidhees and the Jahmees and the Mutazilies and the Khārijees and the Qadaries and the Murjies and other than them. And they did not suffice with making rulings on groups and individuals without establishing adequate valid proofs and evidences. Infact they authored expansive writings cl...

When do Scholars ask for proof for a criticism?

Imām Rabee' Ibn Hādee Al'Madkhali -May Allāh preserve him- was asked: O Shaykh if one of the scholars criticises an individual do we request from him proof and the reason? The Answer: if he was a reliable recognized Scholar who knows the reasons of criticism and praise it is not requested from him proof, it is requested from him proof if he conflicted with another scholar, it is requested from him proof, if he gave proof then the criticism takes precedence over the praise." ( from a recording titled: Al-Manhaj At-Tamyieey wa Qawāidahu) And he said: "The people of knowledge have not ceased to accept the criticism and praise¹ from one or two of the people of knowledge, and they submitted to them with this criticism and praise ,and they do not request from them to establish the illumanative proofs except if the critic conflicted with a recognized Imām of criticism and praise. And in that case it is a must that the critic establishes what is disparaging evide...

It is not a condition that warnings and refutations come from scholars

Imām Rabee b. Hādī al-Madkhalī stated: I would be nice that a refutation would be from an 'Ālim firmly grounded in knowledge with the descriptions that you mentioned, but it is not an obligation on every refuter to fulfill these discriptions, and it is not obligatory to complete these discriptions in every refutation, and if we was to make this a condition for every refuter and every refutation corruption would spread and would over come most of the Ummah except for some exceptions of the people. And what emphasizes the inaccuracy of the refuter having to fulfill these conditions is that you will not find in most Muslim lands firmly grounded Salafi Ulama, but you will find in those lands students of knowledge, and with that Allāh aided them in the spread of Tawheed and refuting polythiesms and innovations and superstitions. And i ask Doctor Ibraheem if there was a country or countries in which innovations and evil was being spread, and there was not found in that countr...