A Detailed criticism must be proven with valid proofs and evidence

Imām Rabee Ibn Hādi Al'Madkhalī said:
"Ibn Salah concluded that ta'deel is accepted with out mention of the reason, and that Jarh is not accepted except if it is detailed clarifying the reason, because people differ concerning what criticises and what does not criticise and it is related on Al'khateeb that this is the madhab of the Imāms and critics of Hadeeth like Al'Bukhari and Muslim and other than them.
Then he said -may Allāh preserve him-.."and he mentioned the story of Muslim Ibn Ibraheem that he criticized Sālih Al'Muri' with what is not considered from the reasons of criticism, even if Al'Muri' was criticized for other than this reason, and from the reasons Ikrimah was criticized is that he was upon the madhab of the Sufriyyah Khawārij he was criticized by some of the Imāms for this reason, and Imām Al'Bukhari did not accept their criticism because of their weak evidence."
(Majmoo vol. 9 pg. 148-149).


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