Abdullāh Adh-Dhafīrī defends Hānī ibn Buraik, describing him as a Sunnī! And advises with being silent about him!

                                  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    Look at the deception of Abdullāh Adh-Dhafīrī. He eludes the question, lies and says that he is upon the stance of Shaykh Rabee' and Shaykh Ubayd regarding Hani ibn Buraik! He defends the khārijee Hānī, who has several issues of clear misguidance and downplays Hānī's issue! Describes Hānī as a sunnī and government official! And advises with being silent about him, when we see several clear oppositions from Hānī, and that he has left the sunnah and the methodology of the salaf!

Questioner: O Shaykh, what is the condition...
some brothers relate that you defend Shaykh Hānī ibn Buraik O Shaykh.
Abdullah ibn Salfeeq Adh-Dhafīrī: I say may Allāh bless you that my position does not exceed the positions of the two Shaykhs, Shaykh Rabee' and Shaykh 'Ubayd may Allāh preserve them both. Then secondly I advise the brothers to leave off that which relates to Hānī ibn Buraik and to leave the issue for the 'Ulama. He has now become a government official, and his political connections are with the world leaders, and he is responsible for the affairs of the state, and Alhumdulillah he is a Muslim Sunnī. We make dua that he is successful and firm, and that Allāh allows him to spread Tawheed and Sunnah in Yemen and that through him Allāh allows the legislation of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to be implemented in the state.
And generally this is how we advise the Muslims, we make dua that Allāh guides him and that Allāh gives him success and Allāh gives him firmness in ruling by the Islamic legislation in Al-Yemen and that he aids him against the khawārij and against the Muslim Brotherhood and against the enemies of the Sunnah and the Religion. So he is a Muslim who is in need of advice, and to be supplicated for, so we ask Allāh to raise Islām in South Yemen by way of him and to give him success in ruling by Allāh the mighty and majestic's legislation. This is what is upon us, and generally my stance is the stance of the two Shaykhs, Shaykh Rabee' and Shaykh 'Ubayd. And Allāh is the one who gives success, and may Allāh send praise, blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Questioner: May Allāh reward you with good, Shaykh can you mention the date for us O Shaykh?
Abdullah ibn Salfeeq Adh-Dhafīrī: Today is Thursday the 22nd of Muharam in the year 1439

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