Al-Imām Rabee Ibn Hādī al-Madkhalī: The Haddādiyyah have an erroneous understanding of Āthār

 الإمام ربيع المدخلي حفظه الله تعالى:
و أنبه إلى أن بعض الشباب المتحمس قد يدرس كتب السلف ولكن لا يحسن تطبيق ما يصله من الآثار فينزلها في غير منازلها، فلابد أن يُرجع إلى العلماء في كيفية تطبيقها، لأنه إذا ذهب يطبق بعض الأشياء بفهمه الخاطئ قد يضر نفسه و يضر الإسلام و المسلمين.
و هذا قد حصل، فجاء بعض الشباب المتحمسين من الحدادية الجديدة و القديمة يعتنون بالآثار وهم لا يحفظون القرآن، يهتمون بالآثار و لا يحفظون الحديث و يعتنون بآثار السلف، و آثار السلف فيها ما يصح و فيها ما لا يصح، إذا اتفقوا على شيء فيجب الأخذ به، و إذا اختلفوا نحاكم أقوالهم إلى كتاب الله و سنة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، إذا لم يثبت هذا القول عن فلان لا نأخذ به، و إذا ثبت عنه و خالف نرده و هكذا هذه الأمور تحتاج إلى فقه، فالحدادية كانوا يحفظون الآثار و أول من حاربوا أهل السنة و شنوا عليهم حربًا بقراراتهم الهمجية، و توجهوا إلى العلماء يسقطونهم واحدًا تلو الآخر حتى وصلوا إلى ابن تيمية، و جاءت من جديد تسلك هذا المسلك بالطعن في العلماء و إسقاطهم، و التمسك بآثار منها ما لا يصح و منها ما يصح و لكن لا يفهمون مقاصدها.
(مرحبا يا طالب العلم ص ٤٥٩-٤٦٠)

Al-Allāmah Rabee' Ibn Hādī al-Madkhalī حفظه اللهsaid:
I would like to point out that some of the enthusiastic youth could have studied the books of the Salaf but they are not proficient in applying the Āthār(narrations) which they have come upon , then they apply them in other than their proper places, so it is a must that the scholars are returned to, so that it is understood how these narrations are applied, because if one went and applied some things with his erroneous understanding, he can harm himself ,Islām and the Muslims.
And this has occured, some of the over zealous youth from the new and old Haddādiyyah give importance to Āthār and they do not memorize the Qurān, they give importance to Āthār and they do not memorize Hadeeth yet they are busy with Āthār of the salaf.
And the Āthār of the salaf consist of that which is authentic and that which is not authentic, if the Salaf are unanimous upon an issue then it is obligatory to accept it, and if they differed then we judge their statements with the book of Allāh and Sunnah of the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ and if that statement is not established on so and so we do not take it, and if it was established on him and it was in opposition, we reject it.
And hence, these affairs are in need of understanding , so the Haddādiyyah used to memorize Āthār and they are the first who made war with Ahlul Sunnah and they vilified Ahlus-Sunnah with their abusive rulings, then they turned towards the 'Ulema dropping them one after the other until they reached Ibn Taymiyyah, and they have come again treading this path of slandering the ‘Ulema' and dropping them, and holding on to Āthār, which from these Āthār is that which is unauthentic and from them is that which is authentic but they do not understand the intent of these Āthār.

(Marhaba yaa tālibul ilm pg.459-460 Dar mirath 2013-1434H print)


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