The methodology of as-Shaykh Rabee' is the way of the Salaf

Al-Halabī stated, "then I say: Shaykh Rabee's defense of himself, and his false principles - which because of them the Salafis have split in different parts of the world."

Shaykh Rabee responded to this fabrication of al-Halabī by stating, "Rabee' does not have false principles, and that is why al-Halabī was unable to mention and refute them (these alleged principles), and the reality is that shaykh Rabee' treads upon the methodology of the Prophet's and the seal of them is Muhammad ﷺ, the noble sahābahs and the salaf us-sālih in d'awah to at-Tawheed and as-sunnah and refuting falsehood and misguidance's which conflict with this dignified methodology, it's foundations and texts.
And from his methodology is concern for uniting and calling to it, with diligence, and  holding on to the Qurān and Sunnah, and adhering to this honorable methodology,  which Allāh legislated to all his prophet's and their sincere followers, in fact to all of his slaves."

Source: Umdatul Al-Abee  pg.285


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