Al-Imām Rabee' ibn Hādī Al'Madkhalī the flagbearer of al-Jarh wa at-Ta’deel in our era: Muhammad al-Anjarī and Ahmed as-Subayī are from the best of the Salafiyyeen and from the most virtuous of them.

Questioner: Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah

Shaykh Rabee': Wa alaykum as-salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakātuhu

Questioner: Shaykhānā (our shaykh), how are you?

Shaykh Rabee': May Allāh preserve you and bless you.

Questioner: Shaykhānā May Allāh bless you, I wanted to ask you about as-Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Uthmān al-Anjarī and as-Shaykh Ahmed as-Subayī (may Allāh preserve them) because these days doubts are being spread about them, that they are with Fālih al-Harbī and affairs concerning this.

Shaykh Rabee': In the name of Allāh the most merciful the bestower of mercy, all praise is due to Allāh; and peace and blessings upon the Messenger of Allāh, his family and his companions and those who follow his guidance. To proceed: The answer to this question is; I do not know of these two individuals, Muhammad al-Anjarī and Ahmed as-Subayī except that they are from the best of the Salafiyyeen and from the most virtuous of them, and I do not know them to lean towards Fālih or anyone else who opposes the salafī methodology. We know them to be firm upon the Sunnah inshā Allāh.

Questioner: Yes O Shaykhānā

Shaykh Rabee': And that is not ever said about them, the statement which was said about them is not said about them, that statement is an error and falsehood, so it is upon the one who says this type of speech to fear Allāh.

Questioner: May Allāh bless you Shaykhānā.

Shaykh Rabee': HayākAllāh.


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